The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) recognises its legislative and contractual obligations in relation to the setting, implementing and reporting of client contributions towards the cost of care and services. To improve the sustainability of the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) over time, the BSL will endeavour to meet the CHSP Client Contribution Framework.
Policy Statement
BSL is committed to promoting equity and sustainability through a nationally consistent client contribution policy in the provision of CHSP Services and ensuring that those who can afford to contribute to the cost of the care and services they receive do so whilst providing appropriate safeguards for those who are financially disadvantaged.
Any revenue from client’s contribution is used to enhance and expand the service provision of the CHSP so that more clients have access to them.
In developing this client contribution policy, The BSL adopts the 6 principles outlined in the Department of Health and Aged Care Client Contribution framework to ensure a fair and equitable approach to client contribution.
- Consistency: All clients who can afford to contribute to the cost of their care should do so. Client contributions should not exceed the actual cost of service provision.
- Transparency: Client contribution policies should include information in an accessible format and be publicly available, given to, and explained to, all new and existing clients.
- Hardship: Individual policies should include arrangements for those who are unable to pay the requested contribution.
- Reporting: Grant agreement obligations include a requirement for providers to report the dollar amount collected from client contributions.
- Fairness: The Client Contribution Framework should take into account the client’s capacity to pay and should not exceed the actual cost to deliver the services. In administering this, providers need to take into account partnered clients, clients in receipt of compensation payments and bundling of services.
- Sustainability: Revenue from client contributions should be used to support ongoing service delivery and expand the services providers are currently funded to deliver.
Key references
Aged Care Act 1997
Commonwealth Home Support Program Manual
National Guide to the CHSP Client Contribution Framework
Chapter 5 – Client Contribution Framework
Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Home Care